Friday 18 May 2018

Autumn Lookbook - Gothic Style

Quite happy with how the gothic outfit turned out for the Autumn Lookbook. I've made a similar outfit like this before so I tried to replicate what my memory could recall the original one looked like. I used one of the new skirts from Purple Moon and items from Raven Candle. The colour maroon always looks good in outfits and this outfit is ideal for the cooler months as it features tights. I just love these new jackets from Raven Candle and the similar designs at other brands like Brooke Bridge.


  1. I just realized that I never commented on this one. I really like this look! It's so pretty.

    1. Haha that's ok, I need to comment on everyone elses posts too. I've only been looking at them quickly on my phone as I've been super busy.

      It's a nice look, the Purple Moon skirts look better with gothic outfits than their actual set items.
