Saturday 31 August 2019

100 Outfit Challenge Day 62: Kitty Cat

Why is it that we always end up doing a cat inspired look with Style Boutique challenges? I guess it's these super adorable ears from Purple Moon. For my kitty cat inspired outfit, I went with a sporty lively look as I recall this outer originally from Streetflow having a cat motif on it. Another black and pink outfit to match yesterdays look but a bit more fun today. I used a few items from Purple Moon in the final look and this is probably the first time ever I've used this bumblebee/ladybug inner. I've never used it because I've never had a need to past making guides but it works great with this outer.

Friday 30 August 2019

100 Outfit Challenge Day 61: Outer

For today's outfit I wanted to try and use an outer that I rarely use and the first one that came to mind was this style from Marble Lily. I always avoid them because they don't have a nice silhouette shape when used in outfits and always squish down the pannier skirts and dresses. I went with a nice black and pink toned outer and built a baby-doll inspired look around it. Turned out super cute and reminds me a bit of old-school style lolita outfits that I've seen in KERA magazines.

Thursday 29 August 2019

100 Outfit Challenge Day 60: Brown

Another colour outfit for day 60 and the theme for today is the colour brown. It may be a boring colour, but I feel there is a large selection of nice items in Styling Star that fall under the brown colour tones. I tend to go for girly or preppy style outfits when using brown items. Brooke Bridge has a great range of brown toned items and it seems to be the best colour for the preppy style. I went with a girly/preppy inspired look using items from a variety of brands. These pants were a pair that I was obsessed with in Fashion Forward but they don't come up too often in Styling Star. I thought of them straight away when I decided to do a brown themed outfit.

Wednesday 28 August 2019

100 Outfit Challenge Day 59: Disney

I feel with every challenge I do for my blog ends up having a Disney themed day. This time I went with a snow white inspired outfit in the feminine style. I mainly picked items that matched the colour tones in her outfit and went with a pretty casual look. Nothing too fancy and I have to say I'm not overly fond of these cardigans. I think they just look a bit stiff in the game and could do with some cute accessories. If only we had brooches in the game, that would be perfect!

Tuesday 27 August 2019

100 Outfit Challenge Day 58: Camisole

One item I've become more interested in using recently is the camisole. Now I always avoid using them in previous games as I wasn't a fan of them or the way they looked with most outfits. But in Styling Star, I've been loving them and try to include them often in Shopdo outfits. I think the girly and glam/flirty style ones are my favourites. For today's outfit, I went with a glam/flirty look as I love the style and there's plenty of great camisoles to choose from. Can't go wrong with a pink and black combination especially with the glam style.

Monday 26 August 2019

100 Outfit Challenge Day 57: Sporty

Have I run out of sporty outfits yet because I feel like I've posted so many in all my challenges! I don't recall Streetflow having too many items, so I tend to use the same ones quite often. For my sport outfit, I went with this preppy golf look as I like to call it. This particular dress always reminds me of golf for some reason. The hairstyle I've been using actually looks really good with this dress and matches the colour of it. I did not plan that but glad it turned out that way.

Sunday 25 August 2019

CDJapan Haul - E-girls & MOMOLAND

Brought another bunch of CD's off CDJapan recently so let's take a quick look at them. I had been planning this order for a little while as a few of these items were ones I'd been after for some time. It seems CDJapan is the best place to get Japanese releases as they have a great selection on older stuff as well as great pre-order bonuses! In total, I got three E-girls releases and one MOMOLAND single.

First off is MOMOLAND's third Japanese single 'I'm So Hot' which I brought in the Type B CD+GOODS version. This single has been out for a while now but I only purchased it recently. I held off getting it as I wasn't too excited by this comeback as if you have been following the group, you'll know that there's something going on the member numbers. Two of the girls (especially one of my faves Daisy) has been MIA for ages and no word on whats going on. I'll talk more about my feelings on that when I post my review, but that was one of the main reasons I didn't pick I'm So Hot up earlier. I'm kinda just over the group which is sad and I'm not even excited for their first Japanese album. Anyway, here is Type B of I'm So Hot which comes with the CD and a calendar!

Next up is the E-girls singles! I finally got the CD Only editions of One Two Three and Follow Me which were the group's early singles I was missing. I brought them brand new as CD Japan is one of the only places I've seen them and haven't come across them for a decent price on Yahoo Auctions. I also picked up the group's latest single シンデレラフィット Cinderella Fit. First time I've actually brought an E-girls single as soon as it was released. 

I did get a poster as a pre-order bonus which is of the following photo of the group. I would've rather one of EG-ENERGY as I prefer that song and concept more. But at least I can thank them for including the song as the B-side because now I get that killer instrumental. Gosh I love this song, it's probably one of my top E-girls songs. I cannot decide on my ultimate fave so I have a few. And can I say how much I love this neon colour on the OBI strip! Ah so amazing! More OBI strips need colour on them like this.

Shopdo Update

Straight into this week's Shopdo Update with a Chic outfit with a rock theme. I titled this one paparazzi as I thought it was quite appropriate for this superstar look. Second is a rock outfit in some bright purple tones which I honestly think Stage Dive has some great purple items that always look good. The final outfit is a lively themed outfit that leans a little towards the rock style. I went with red and black as April Bonbon has some excellent pieces in these colours. It's cute yet edgy! You can find all three outfits at Shopdo ID 0006271056 in New Style Boutique 3: Styling Star (EUR/AUS Region).

100 Outfit Challenge Day 56: Chic

We've had a few chic outfits so far for the 100 Outfit Challenge, but today is the day completely dedicated to the lavish style. For the chic outfit, I tried to go with items I haven't used much for chic outfits so I turned to the dress section. There's quite a few dresses in there that I rarely touch and just brought for completion sake. I went with this green tone printed dress and paired it with some boots and elegant jacket. Included my favourite glasses from Enid Chen of course as I cannot make a chic outfit with them!

Saturday 24 August 2019

100 Outfit Challenge Day 55: 1990's

Ah the 1990's! One of the best eras for me and my personal favourite. Most of my favourite movies are from the 1990's as well as music. One of my top movies Night At The Roxbury even has one of my all time favourite songs 'What Is Love' in it. Love it when that song comes on the 90's dance CD we play at work sometimes. Today's look was inspired by the movie Clueless which I've actually done an outfit for before in my 30 Day Cosplay Challenge. So I tried to create the same outfit again but with different items. I feel like this look would be something I'd wear in real life as I love skirts and high socks. 1990's fashion was the best as it often looked all over the place but had this stylish appearance to it. It's great that it's come back into fashion as I've picked up a few cool logo tees at the shops, found a neon MTV logo one for $5 recently when I needed a shirt for work quickly.

Friday 23 August 2019

100 Outfit Challenge Day 54: Camping

I feel like I've never done a camping inspired outfit for any of my challenges so that's what we are doing today! Sporty and basic would be my go-to for the camping look. Casual yet comfortable is the ideal camping outfit for me. Something you can move around in and protect yourself from the elements if needed. Nowadays I'm not a camping person, but we went on a lot of school camps as kids. The best camps were usually the water based ones and they were my favourite which is weird cause I'm not much of a water person. I think it's fun to try new activities and I quite enjoyed when we did surfing back in year 7. That's definitely something I'd like to try out again, just maybe not during shark season.

Thursday 22 August 2019

100 Outfit Challenge Day 53: Beige

Beige is a colour I can safely say that I only wear in Styling Star and not in real life. I can't recall any clothing items I have that are this colour. I feel the items in Styling Star are closer to brown tones than beige honestly. For this outfit, I went with a feminine and preppy look from items that came under the beige colour search option. This is a pretty standard outfit for me in the game as I tend to make this look quite a lot. Isn't it interesting that when you actually take the time to think about, you realise you tend to go for the same looks in the game. I guess when you the way something is, you tend to stick with it.

Wednesday 21 August 2019

100 Outfit Challenge Day 52: Overalls & Dungarees

A pretty easy theme for today which is centred around overalls and dungarees. Years ago when I played the earlier Style Boutique games, I never ever used the overalls and such. I hated the way they looked and avoided them. It's only really been in Styling Star that I've made use of the items and come to love them. The lively style ones are the ones I use the most and find the easiest to work into outfits. There was some great new designs added in Styling Star even with other brands. I went with a lively look today and was inspired by a look I did for my Style Boutique Series Outfit Comparisions Post. Personally I cannot think of the last time I wore overalls or anything like that, probably when I was a kid. I do own quite a few patterns that have overalls in them so I'm interested in making a pair one day.

Tuesday 20 August 2019

100 Outfit Challenge Day 51: Pokemon

I've gone with an actual cosplay for day 51 as I thought I'd throw in a few cosplay inspired days. Today is about that silly Pokemon Quagsire! Now I'm not  much of a Pokemon fan, but I have a Pokemon card of this guy up on my pinboard as it's just the cutest little thing.

The outfit I made for Quagsire is quite similar to the outfit I did for the artist theme. That wasn't originally planned as I did all the outfits in a mixed up order and I guess I just love using this outer and wanted another excuse! It's the best match to Quagsire's body shape and I used a different blue coloured beret to give the circle shape to the head. These socks are another love of mine and I've been using them quite a lot recently. They work really well with multiple styles and they remind me so much of the old glam style. The third pic I tried to use a different facial expression as I thought it would be fun for the cosplay. I tend to not go past the first 15 or so facial expression when taking photos, does anyone else do that? I just like the ones near the start the most and never venture too far from those.

Monday 19 August 2019

100 Outfit Challenge Day 50: Mix-Up

Oh my gosh, we finally made it to 50 days in the 100 Outfit Challenge! It feels like forever since we started the challenge and there has been so many amazing outfits so far. For outfit number 50, I've gone with a mix-up theme. The idea is to combine two images into one outfit and I've gone with one of my top combos: psychedelic and eastern! I would've never put these two together but since discovering some fun outfits from challenges and Shopdo Updates, I've discovered they work quite well together. Today's look has a maroon tone to it and is a casual look for an afternoon stroll around town. The sun was setting in the game, so I got to take the photos with this beautiful dusk tone which matched the outfit.

Sunday 18 August 2019

Shopdo Update

Had some fun creating rock inspired outfits for this week's Shopdo Update. First off is a girly styled outfit with a rock feel. It's more girly than rock but still a little edgy with the stripes and denim skirt. Second outfit is a glam/flirty look because I love creating those. I used these crazy boots from AZ-USA for the outfit because I thought they were perfect for it. Last outfit is a rock one of course and I went with these weird skirt/pant things from Stage Dive that I never understand. I've never really used these in any games as they are so bizarre and look rather cluttered to me. So I went for a hot pink look as that's one of my favourite colour tones to use in rock outfits. All three of these looks can be found at Shopdo ID 0006271056 in New Style Boutique 3: Styling Star (EUR/AUS Region).

100 Outfit Challenge Day 49: Girly

I've mentioned before on my blog that the girly style is my favourite style in the game so I'm excited for today's outfit. I went with something a little casual and toned down for the girly look. I really love these cropped jumper tops from the top section. Now I'd never wear these in real life as I'm not into the cropped or three-quarter look, but they look cute in the game. Can't go wrong with a pair of denim shorts so I paired it with those and some simple flats. I've also been loving these flower purses recently in the game and wondered why I never used them more.

Saturday 17 August 2019

100 Outfit Challenge Day 48: Artist

A little creative theme for today and that's to dress like an artist! I enjoy watching art and craft channels on Youtube so that was the main inspiration for this idea. I've gone towards a more kid style for the art outfit as I was inspired by the smocks we used to wear in art class as kids. They were these giant rain coat style things that came in the school colours. The elastic was always worn out on them and it was impossible to keep your sleeves up. But anything to keep your expensive school uniform from getting one drop of paint on it! Once I got paint on the back of my school kilt and never noticed for weeks. I used one of these cute new outers for the smock and a beret of course for that artist look.

Friday 16 August 2019

100 Outfit Challenge Day 47: Favourite Dress

If you've been following my blog for a long time, you'll recognise this dress which I've posted about numerous times before. This Starry Dress from Marble Lily is my favourite dress in the entire game and I love all the colours it comes in. I've chosen the pink one today as pink is my favourite colour and the tone works great with the shadows on the hem of the dress. I tend to ignore the other short style dresses from Marble Lily as they look too big and not as stylish as this particular one. This dress is a gem and one of the best items in the series for me.

Thursday 15 August 2019

100 Outfit Challenge Day 46: Red

For today's outfit which is inspired for the colour red, I've gone with a Red Riding Hood cosplay. Not sure how we ended up at this as it wasn't my original intention for this outfit. I was planning on doing a baby-doll look as I thought that would look nice in a red tone but then this skirt got paired with the inner I was using and we ended up with this. It looks super cute and quirky! Sometimes it can be hard to work Purple Moon items into outfits and I tend to stick to the carnival outfit ones. But this worked out quite well and I'm happy with how it turned out as I tend to avoid red coloured outfits as it's my least favourite colour.

Wednesday 14 August 2019

100 Outfit Challenge Day 45: Alice In Wonderland

A while ago, I did an Alice In Wonderland inspired cosplay for my 30 Day Cosplay Challenge and today I'm back with another Wonderland inspired look. This time I went with a Card Solider inspired look as these dresses from Raven Candle always remind me of them. I used the red toned dress to match one of the colours of the soliders and I haven't used this colour of the dress much in Styling Star. These tights from Raven Candle are hands down one of the best pairs of tights in the game. They look great with everything, are versatile and come in a great range of colours. I always use them in gothic style looks as black goes with everything. It seems soon enough I'm going to have a whole collection of Alice In Wonderland character outfits in Styling Star!

Tuesday 13 August 2019

100 Outfit Challenge Day 44: Photo Shoot Location

A fun feature when taking photos in Styling Star is the opportunity to choose the location you'd like to take you photos at. I thought I'd take today and take some photos at my favourite location spot which is the Cake Shop. I just love the colour tones of the interior and cute details of the cakes in the display. I dressed up in a baby-doll outfit for the photo shoot and used a food inspired dress for the outfit. Thought it was appropriate for the location and I haven't actually used this particular dress from Marble Lily much. I do miss some of the photo shoot locations from Fashion Forward, especially Maple Crescent. Such a shame they removed the eastern inspired location when Japanese fashion is a major inspiration for many styles in the game.

Monday 12 August 2019

100 Outfit Challenge Day 43: One From Each Category

I have to say straight away that today's outfit is one of my favourite outfits from this challenge. I was blown away at how great it turned out when I originally thought the idea of taking an item from each clothing category would be a disaster. Going in with a colour theme really helped build a great outfit I believe and I tried to use items that looked well when layered together. Even got the chance to use my favourite jacket from Marzipan Sky as well as one of my favourite skirts from the brand. The bag is something new that I've rarely used and it reminds me of the tiny handbags of the early 2000's we all used to have. Nowadays I think my phone would barely fit into this purse!