Friday 9 November 2018

GIRLS MODE 3 キラキラ☆コーデ Book - Part 1

Girls Mode 3 had the most amazing books released in Japan for the game and I happened to own a few in my collection. I've share two other magazines in the past which were the Girls Mode 3 キャラぱふぇ ゲーム スペシャル Chara Parfait Magazine & the Girls Mode 4 キャラぱふぇゲーム Special 2018 WINTER Magazine. This time we will be looking at the GIRLS MODE 3 キラキラ☆コーデ Book which was a special book released in 2015 and is completely devoted to GIRLS MODE 3 content.

Front cover of the GIRLS MODE 3 キラキラ☆コーデ Book

Back cover of the GIRLS MODE 3 キラキラ☆コーデ Book

The main feature of the book is the images of all the different brands in the game. The book advertises the range of clothing items available from each brand and outfit ideas you can create. Here is the contents page of the brands and personally I love the Japanese names of the brands. Cherry Berry is just adorable and flute f sounds much more beautiful than Chorale.

Here are some of the brand pages in the book starting with Marzipan Sky. I love the way the book is designed as it matches the catalogue style you see in Japanese magazines such as KERA or release pictures for brands like Angelic Pretty. The items even list the price of the clothing item in game to match the look of a real life advertisement.

Purple Moon is called FANTANIA in the Japanese version of the game and has it's own page in the book. It details some of the outfits you can collect from the brand and even advertises the amiibo items by using the Kirby bag.

The bag brands mezzo flute and YLVA are combined onto one page and this page showcases the range of bags available. You can notice the different fashion styles between the brands in the picture. mezzo flute goes for a more pastel approach but still caters to darker tones whereas YLVA is all about luxury and glam.

Besides the brand pages, the GIRLS MODE 3 キラキラ☆コーデ Book has pages detailing the many game features available. Designing clothes was a new aspect to the game so there's a page detailing that. The pages are organised in a day system to show pages what activities they can do over the course of a few days. It's a cute little idea which I've seen in other Girls Mode 3 publications. There are some pages detailing fashion shows but no hints on how to get five stars. I feel that couldn't been something that couldn't been added in or at least to the official guide books.

At the middle of the book, there is a smaller insert which details the miniatures available to collect and inspiration for room designs. I thought this was the best part of the book and I got so many ideas from reading it. It's amazing to finally see some of the miniatures in a larger scale picture.

The book includes a mini hair catalogue featuring some of the different styles in the game. I love how it organises them by length and speciality. Reminds me of hair style catalogues in real life. There is quite a few pages of this section and it was nice to see close up pictures of the hairstyles. This part reminded me of the old KERA magazine make-up section. There is also a page detailing how to do customers make-up and gives a step by step instruction to giving the best make-over.

More random pages about the game features including train station locations. The photo studio even has a mini tutorial page. The train station photos make me miss it as Styling Star had no Maple Crescent sadly.

Quick little snapshot of this page which shows a character getting a make-over. What a great way to advertise the clothing items and show off different looks you can create. I actually love her outfit! It's girly yet kinda preppy looking and totally my style.

Near the back of the book, there is a lookbook section which details outfits for each season.It shows a bunch of outfits from all the styles in the game and what season they are perfect for. There's some little boxes focusing on hats and bags and how to wear them. The outfits on the Autumn page would be my favourite as they match the feel of Autumn and I love the girly outfit in the brown tones.

Men's fashion even gets its own spread in the book which is nice considering it wasn't even included in the main part of the game. The outfits give you an idea of what male fashion items are available for male NPC's in the game.

And that's all from the GIRLS MODE 3 キラキラ☆コーデ Book! There are plenty more pages from the book that I didn't take photos of so I will have to do a part two to this one day. The book is so creative with it's design and provides you with stacks of ideas for outfits. I enjoy seeing the different styles of clothing placed near each other so you can see the differences between the brands.  I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to check out my photos of other Girls Mode publications on the Style Boutique page!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you enjoyed it, I will post more photos one day as it has some amazing details to it. Yeah I wasn't ever able to find this bow top. I did discover the other day as well that a few shirts from Retrobeat were removed in Styling Star. I was making a guide for the brand and worked out a number of shirts weren't included in Styling Star for the brand. So strange why they would do that, I think maybe some other brands may have done it as well.
