Friday 4 May 2018

25 Day Outfit Challenge Day 11: Cool City Gal

Now I knew straight away what outfit I wanted to create for the cool city gal theme and that was Callie's from Fashion Forward. She is the ultimate cool city gal for me and she could always be found hanging out in the city. All the original items from her Fashion Forward outfit appear in Styling Star so I used those to create a copycat look. Added a bracelet for extra flair because Callie totally would wear a bracelet if she had the chance.


  1. Hi Marzipanini it's ID 0003531208 here I was just wandering what bracelet you used and what hair colours and styles you used to the point I need to know exactly also could you tell me what colour the bracelet is thanks. Also can you get the Palutena goddess top and the Lucina skirt in styling star if so please tell me I thought you'd know seeing as you have every item. Thanks so much.

    1. I believe the bracelet is from AZ-USA. The hair is the Medium Loose Curl with a left-swept diagonal fringe. For the colour, I don't exactly remember which ones I used but it was in the purple palette somewhere.

      The Palutena and Lucina amiibo items are not in this game unfortunately. It seems that they were removed.

    2. Hi Marzipanini I wander why they were removed I never had them in fashion forward so I have well and truly missed out. Also I cosplayed Callie a while ago thanks for the bracelet and hair tips. Thanks so much. X

    3. They weren't super exciting items, I had them in Fashion Forward but never really used them.
