Sunday 6 May 2018

25 Day Outfit Challenge Day 13: Harry Potter House

Now this one I actually had to do some research as I did not know what house I belonged to. I'm not into Harry Potter which shocks everyone as most of my friends are hardcore fans of the series. I was just never able to get into the books or movies but I've seen/read the first three of the movies/books. Wasn't much of a reader when I was at school but I do remember a funny story about the sixth book. When it came out, I remember everyone buying it and bringing it to school the next day because everyone was trying to finish reading it as fast as they could. We used to have reading time as a lesson and practically the whole class was reading the book. The class read in silence and one guy happened to reach the end of the book. I recall him closing the book on his desk and then just yelling out 'Dumbledore dies!' Don't recall much of what happened afterwards because that was so funny honestly.

Anyway I did the House quiz and discovered I was in the Ravenclaw house. The results had no links to Gryffindor or Slytherin and it came up with almost 100% Ravenclaw with some Hufflepuff. Thought I would've been a Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff honestly. Now I don't know much about the series or the house, but I recall it has the colour blue in it. So I just created a preppy outfit in a navy tone. Not sure why on earth I did the photo shoot at the Cake Shop, that makes zero sense.

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