As I posted about last week, I found a copy of New Style Boutique at EB Games recently and have been playing a bit of it lately. It's quite fun and exciting to go back to older features in the series. Plus I can finally use glam/flirty fashion when it's actually in the game. I need to work out how to get pictures of my console to post on here.
In Styling Star news, I reached 3000 likes on my Shopdo! Hooray! I'm so excited to reach this milestone and went crazy giving every one on the recent tab of Shopdo lots of likes to celebrate. I'd like to thank everyone who visited my Shopdo who reads my blog or just stumbled across it online. I shall continue with the weekly updates, still on Monday currently just late in the day as my work schedule changed.
Earlier this week I posted about my recent haul from YesAsia which I was excited about receiving. The Dream Ami one has the most gorgeous design and apperantly she is recording a new song so that will be another one for the collection hopefully. E-girls also brought out a new song this week which is pretty awesome as I love 80's sounding songs. I prefer this release over Perfect World mainly because I'm all about their dance pop songs rather than slower stuff. I do wish however the song was just a standard physical release instead of these MUSIC CARD ones. They are always a pain to track down and find. Hopefully we'll see some Happiness, Flower and SYY releases next year instead of just straight E-girls releases all year.
Other than that, I've just been listening to bits and pieces K-Pop wise. I've been super into Pristin recently which is kinda sad since the group is currently in limbo with whats going on with them. Looking at picking up their physical albums next year as I only have them digitally currently.
After like a billion years of searching, I finally found the Barbie Fashionista doll I had been after. When the doll was released, I could not find her at any toy or department stores in my state so I thought she just wasn't available. Months later I came across her randomly in Big W and was rather surprised to see her and some other dolls from the same release on the shelf. And added bonus as she was on sale!