Sunday 25 November 2018

Style Boutique Collection Complete!

Something amazing happened and I finally found a copy of New Style Boutique for the 3DS! Now I used to own the game years ago but traded it in for Fashion Forward. I had kinda been missing it for a while now after playing Fashion Forward and Styling Star for so long. Luckily a EB Games store in town had a copy quite cheap and was the only location in my state to have a copy. So naturally I brought it straight away when I was in town next.

I've been playing the game a little bit and I'm enjoying the story line. It's fun having the old style Exhibition Hall where not all brands are open each day and limited editions items are available. And you really notice how similar this game is to Styling Star! The game is just called New Style Boutique here and not Trendsetters so it's hard to refer to in the game series. I totally forgot that bags were the big selling point of the game as they were brand new back then.

So here are all my Style Boutique games together at last! New Style Boutique 2 would have my favourite box art. Not as nice as any of the Japanese releases but the nicest out of this bunch. I personally prefer the 3DS cases over DS ones as the white is more stylish and looks better when games are stacked together.


  1. Hi Marzi it’s Jo,
    It’s great that your Style Boutique collection is complete, the DS cases in England are transparent.
    The Story is great in New Style Boutique, I always call it Trendsetters as it’s hard to refer to it as NSB.
    I have NSB on the eShop as it’s hard to come by here now, I completed and reset it if I hadn’t we could have exchanged Shop ID’s.
    I remember seeing a TV ad for NSB, I was so excited for it after loving the original, OMG the hype for bags !
    Happy Gaming !
    Thanks so much :)

    1. We had the transparent cases for some DS games over here, I remember one of the Cooking Mama ones being transparent. Some were different sizes as well and slightly larger than the nintendo first party game cases.

  2. Hi there Marzi!! I have no idea how frequently you check comments on this blog, but if you see this would you be willing to scan and upload the full box art of these games in HD? I have non-eng EU copies of the 3ds games and want to print out AUS cover art to put in my cases but can't find them posted ANYWHERE online, I've been searching for them for weeks now and had no luck whatsoever *QAQ*

    I'm so glad my search lead me to your blogs regardless!! I'll be keeping them bookmarked for later in my playthroughs <3

    - @aband0nware

    1. Hello! I always read the comments on the blog :) I wouldn't be able to scan the boxes unfortunately as my scanner is super low quality (mainly just for bills/receipts). Apologies for not being able to help more and thank you for reading the blog!
