Sunday 1 September 2019

August Favourites

It's the first of September finally so that means it is spring at last! The weather is still taking it's time to warm up with some cold days still floating about. I feel like I just posted my August Favourites so I don't have much to talk about this month. It's mainly the same old same old for me with just music and gaming so let's take a look shall we?

A few weeks ago, I got a new order from Zenmarket of some J-Pop stuff as well as the guide book for わがままファッション GIRLS MODE よくばり宣言! (also known as New Style Boutique in EUR/AUS and Style Savvy: Trendsetters in NA). I've been wanting to collect this book for a while now and found one used for cheap that was in excellent condition. I'll talk about it more in haul post in the future, but here's a quick photo of the book in all it's glory.

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp has been keeping me entertained once again this month. I feel like we've had a billion events recently! Like one finishes and another starts straight away! Literally no break in between them. I'm enjoying them though and have completed the last few event sets. I mainly did the last one cause I wanted this silly pig thing from the fishing tourney. Look at adorable Bob admiring the campsite!

This month has felt like I've literally only been listening to FEMM's FEMM-Isation album because it's the best thing ever! There's few albums that I enjoy all the tracks on and this is definitely one of those. Always trying to skip through songs on shuffle to find the FEMM ones. I mainly use shuffle on my car stereo because it's one of those new ones that doesn't like playing songs in order so I just use shuffle. As I mentioned before, I got a bunch of J-Pop stuff from Zenmarket that I'll post soon as well as my CDJapan haul I posted recently. Here's a bunch of songs I've been loving in August to round off this post!

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