Tuesday 31 July 2018

July Favourites

This month was incredibly busy for me so I don't recall what happened this month. Not too many favourites this month as not much happened for me. 

Didn't have much time for gaming this month besides some short sessions of New Style Boutique 3: Styling Star. Mainly just doing challenges and creating outfits, nothing exciting. I am planning on finally doing the 30 Day Cosplay Challenge in the game soon, so it should be up in September once I figure out 30 characters to cosplay.

This month I received my copy of MOMOLAND's new album, so I've been listening to that one. Baam is still my favourite track, then Very Very and the instrumental for Baam. You can check out my review of the album here!

Been listening to some Kyary Pamyu Pamyu recently. I used to be really into her a few years ago, but kinda forgot about her when the tracks were starting to sound similar. I've got back into her music recently thanks to Spotify. I hope she releases another full album soon as I love picking those up for my collection. Blogger didn't want to link to song I wanted which was Crazy Party Night ~ぱんぷきんの逆襲~ so here is her recent release Kimino Mikata きみのみかた instead.

AKB48 has been a group I've never really got into and only knew Gingham Check from them. But this month, thanks to Produce48 appearing all the time on the Youtube App for me, I've been getting into their discography. I'd love to collect some of the physical CD's one day, but they're so crazy with all the different types! I thought KARA ones were rough, but AKB48 sometimes has 5 to 7 versions. So that's a thing for future collecting.

Picked up a new beauty blender at the start of the month as my old Manicare precision blending sponge was worn out. I brought the flawless complexion sponge from Manicare as a replacement as it was only clearance at Chemist Warehouse. I thought it would be the same as the precision blending sponge, but it's slightly different. I find foundation goes on a lot more smoother and blends more evenly. The finished look is the airbrush style and the sponge increases quite a lot in size when wet (the precision one never did that). The only negatives about the flawless complexion sponge is that there is no pointed tip as I liked using that for areas around the eyes and nose. I find it doesn't clean as well as the other one as well, the foundation doesn't come out and stains the sponge. Overall, it was a great item for only $5!

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