Monday 21 January 2019

Shopdo Update

After last weeks bizarre line incident, I'm proud to announce this weeks outfits feature the extra lines haha. Sticking with the feminine theme another week because I've been so in love with it. The first outfit is a girly look in neutral brown tones and I couldn't resist using a cute boater as I've been super into them lately. I'm also trying to use more items from the top section so that's where I found this sweater top. The second outfit is a chic themed outfit as last weeks chic outfit was quite popular. I usually don't do chic outfits often on Shopdo because of the price but I had fun creating this weeks chic look. Enid Chen has some lovely matching items if you search for them. The third and final outfit is a feminine outfit to match the boutique and the outfit features a grey colour scheme. You can find all these outfits at Shopdo ID 006271056 if you play New Style Boutique 3: Styling Star (EUR/AUS Region).


  1. Hi Marzi it’s Jo,
    I visited your Shopdo gave it lots of likes and bought some outfits.
    I just love that interior it’s so elegant.
    I’m doing a Pokémon theme on my Shopdo the outfits are a Lillie outfit which my character is wearing, and a Jessie outfit.
    Thanks so much :)

    1. Thanks for visiting! I really need to switch up the interior soon, it's been up for weeks now.

    2. Yeah mine has been the same for a few weeks now too.
      Yours looks amazing though, I love the colour scheme :)
