Saturday 28 August 2021

Animal Crossing New Horizons Play Journal - Snow Everywhere

Since it is still winter here, I thought I'd share some more Animal Crossing New Horizons screenshots were it is winter on my island. These are from 2020 as I'm still working through posting all my adventures in play journals. First up is this lovely photo of my character hanging out by Nook's Cranny after some shopping. I found these cute Japanese QR code designs that have a shopping theme to them so I stuck them in front of Nook's. I've tried to make this area themed like a Japanese convenience store with the vending machines. When this photo was taken, the area wasn't finished yet I believe. I know most people online are begging for upgrades for the Nook shop but honestly I love how it is now. The style of the building matches the area I've made well and I like the simple design of the shop. The final design of the largest shop in New Leaf was a bit gaudy.

Winter is my least favourite season in Animal Crossing because I get over the snow quickly. I miss seeing the grass and the flowers look nicer without snow. Plus it's a pain having flowers spread everywhere and then having to dig them all up. It's so slow in New Horizons as you just can't shovel them out of existence! I did take this beautiful shot of a tree blocking a bridge. What on earth was I thinking? I'll just say it's for artistic purposes.

Here is Apple being weird as usual. Seriously lay off the coffee! Or drink more of it? I don't know haha. All I know is that when my co-workers are feeling out of energy, it just means to drink more energy drinks. They sure love their energy drinks, I think our workplace runs on them sometimes. I included another great conversation from Apple who has some excellent dialogue. The other photos are some lovely snaps of Butch chilling out in the farm area. The filters you can add to photos are cool and I love trying them out of my villagers doing boring stuff.

Lopez was moving off Marzipan today and onto a new adventure. I wasn't too attached to him so it's nice he can go discover a new island. His design is a lovely though, the deer villagers always have nice designs as they are more unique than say just the bears or frogs. I ended up replacing him with Eugene who I found on a mystery island. Love the koala villagers and Eugene is hilarious with his Elvis get-up! A whole island of koalas would be so cute, I wonder if anyone has done that? Are koalas popular in the game enough for that. Most people are into the bears or cats. But I would totally have an entire island of koalas or sheep.

Can't have a Animal Crossing play journal without Pudge! I do love him so much ❤ Everyone makes fun of him when they see him and ask why he looks like that. How can you be so mean to such a cutie?!? Second screenshot is of Annalise relaxing in this stupid spot my villagers keep sitting. Like it's right behind a giant wall and they keep hanging out there. Sometimes it takes ages to find them as you can only see this if you pan the camera. Next is a few shots of Eugene being cool and I'm happy he likes my outfit! I'm loving this look in the game as it reminds me of Brooke Bridge from Style Boutique. I'm glad Eugene likes living on Marzipan and that it isn't cramping his cool lifestyle.

Some more shots of Marzipan during the winter time and the snow does look beautiful on top of the trees. I tried to theme this villager area, I wanted to go with a simple theme with the clothesline and air conditioner. Nothing too fancy and I gave one of them a telescope as this area was built on the third level. So I thought it was a good place to star gazing and staring into space. Later on I found Eugene hanging out singing in the fruit orchid. All I could hear was the singing and couldn't figure out where on earth it was coming from. Villagers do love hiding don't they?

Nice shot of my resident services and I almost wanted to call it the town square just now as I was thinking about New Leaf. If only you could change the exterior of the resident services building to match the theme of your island. Oh well, at least I've got my Smudge flag. I always seem to set my town flag at the beginning of the game and never change it. I still haven't changed my New Leaf one from my BMO flag since 2013! My villagers are running around the plaza of course as they do.

Caught Apple checking out one of my gnomes and wondering what on earth it was doing there. I like strategically putting them in weird places around the island to see if villagers can find them. The filter makes it look like some detective movie or something. Next photo is of my friend visiting my island and looking like a million bells with her crown. It's always fun with friends visit your island and the connection doesn't drop out so you can actually do things.

Scanned Bill's amiibo card into the game as I'm planning to move him onto my island. I had him in New Leaf and loved him so much. Just had to have him New Horizons too as his jock personality is so hilarious. And he has a gorgeous eastern themed house and would like to see it in the new game. Isn't it great we can now just scan in our favourite villagers? I'm glad I got Bill's amiibo card years ago and I would've never thought we could do this in the game. 

That is all I have to share for today's Animal Crossing New Horizons play journal and I can't believe these screenshots are from over a year ago! I saved these back in July 2020 and that just seems so long ago. I feel like a billion things have happened since then and my island has changed greatly since. I'll finish off on these beautiful photos of a falling star on my island. The first area is where my flower breeding got a bit out of hand but the second area is a pretty garden area I landscaped. It's lovely to catch the falling star in the centre of the garden. I'll be back soon with another round of New Horizons screenshots!

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