Thursday 30 September 2021

September Favourites

I was thinking about what to talk about in this month's favourites and I couldn't think of much. This month went past pretty quick with work and stuff so I don't remember much that went on. The weather hasn't been very spring-like here as it has been raining most days with temperatures in the tens. Some days we even had stacks of hail which I haven't seen for a long time. Hopefully it will warm up soon and we can all get some use out of our summer attire! Just a quick monthly favourites this month as I don't have much going on.


This month I've mainly just been playing some 3DS here and there as well as some Sims 4. Found a bunch of game packs on clearance at some stores so I was able to get some more content for my game. Picked the perfect time honestly to get into the game as I don't have to pay an arm and a leg for the content. 

The other day Nintendo announced some exciting things in their Direct video. First off is Brewster finally in Animal Crossing New Horizons! I'm happy he is coming back as I miss all the old characters and I'm sure others do to. I was actually playing New Leaf the other day on my 3DS and it made me sad that so many cool characters were removed in New Horizons. I wonder what content Brewster will bring to the game and I haven't played for ages so it gives me an excuse to try the game out again.

Another piece of interesting news was the Disney Magical World 2 remaster for the Nintendo Switch. My friend sent me a messaging asking if I had seen the new Disney game for the switch they announced and I was over the moon thinking it was a new game or a port of the arcade version exclusive to Japan. Then all my excitement went down the drain when I discovered what it actually was. Like who was asking for a rerelease of the 2nd game? I've already played that one and still own it! I read about some DLC being included which is just clothing and items. Nothing worthy of being called Enchanted. At least the first game had DLC that added new regions and that would've been worth the remaster or just combine both into a set. I'm waiting until it comes out in December to see if anything new has been added but I just don't have the time nowadays to grind at a game I've already completed. I do miss taking cute screenshots in the game :( The pose mechanic in that game was hilarious!


Finished a large number of books this month and I even hit my 50 books reading goal for 2021! I use the Goodreads app to track my reading and it's the best tool for the job! I was never a reader at school and I would read on and off in the years after graduation. But this year I wanted to finally get into it and since I brought my Kindle I never looked back. Amazon did just announced a new line of Kindles which all look great but I will stick with my current one as I love it and it's very special to me. A few books I read this month were:

  • Adulthood Is A Myth by Sarah Andersen - I've read this one a few times and it's full of amusing comics for the millennial like me. Her follow up books are quite good and I read those earlier on in the year. My favourite part of this book is the fuzzy cover :)
  • The Truth About IKEA by Johan Stenebo - Now I read this book as I was greatly interested in the behind the scenes of IKEA as I had an employment stint there years ago and was wondering how the book would portray it. Nothing much went on in regards to co-workers but it was interesting to learn about the logistics and company growth.
  • Bet The Farm by Staci Hart - I've read a few books by this author who is one of my favourites and this one was a nice read. The last bunch of chapters were the best parts and I will definitely be getting more titles from her in the future.
At the moment I am reading the novel version of Legally Blonde and I'm about halfway through. The movie is one of my ultimate top movies and the book isn't bad. The Goodreads reviews rip the book apart but I think its fine. Like you can't expect a book to be as perfect as the original and I can totally see how Hollywood adapted the story to improve on it. I mainly read books as an escape so I'm not too critical on them and Legally Blonde is a nice casual book to read whilst I'm waiting somewhere and to pass time.


I don't even know what I enjoyed this month music wise as I just listened to whatever was playing on my car stereo or at work. We have been playing a lot of 90's compilations so that would be pretty high on the list. Always love a good 90's playlist! Another CD I've been back into lately is Kaiser Chiefs Yours Truly Angry Mob. I was super into this album when I first came out and it still is my favourite album from the group. So I'm always happy when it gets played at work as it's a great album!

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