Wednesday 15 May 2024

Fashion Dreamer Play Journal - Mostly Muse Lookits

I've been addicted to play Fashion Dreamer in the last few months. It took a while to get into the game however now I love playing it. These screenshots were from March and my character is starting off wearing this lovely dress that I designed. I always seem to stick to preppy looking outfits in fashion games as I used to love Brooke Bridge in the Style Boutique series.

Here are a two Lookits I made for other muses that I thought were cute. The character customisation options are great in Fashion Dreamer as I like how you can choose the height of your character. Plus it is really cute when you stand near a muse taller than you as the players look at each other. Love the second outfit the muse had on originally and my character just had a similar outfit on! The plaid skirt and cardigan combination seems to be a popular one.

Took this great upside photo of my muse on an escalator because I'm terrible at the camera angels. At first when I loaded my SD card onto my computer, I couldn't figure out what was going on with this photo. Then I realised it was upside down and out of frame. Oh well it look rather cool so I'll keep it.

Two more Lookits with one using these green pants I actually get a lot of use of! I designed them early on in the game thinking they'll be useful and they actually are for green/cool requests. Reminds me of a combo of AZ-UZA and Upbeat leaning more towards the sporty style.

Actually remember to use the photo egg to take a photo as I usually just use the drone camera in the cocoon worlds. Really need to get more on top of using the actual photo studio feature. Totally in love with this outfit and this skirt is one of my favourite items in the game. Such a beautiful item and it looks gorgeous in pastel tones.

More Lookits that I designed as I like to take photos to remember the outfits I liked. I do also take photos with the muses but I don't post those as they aren't exciting and I mainly do them to get likes/followers. It would be cool if the game had an option to take a photo with a muse after making them a Lookit. Like maybe a prompt that asks if you would like to take a photo together? That would be really great especially if you could choose poses. Plus it would increase the social aspect of the game that the developers like to push.

During the month of March, there was a fair event held in Fashion Dreamer and this was my first event in the game. I missed the early ones due to work commitments and not being to play the game much. I found the event quite fun and easy to complete. I didn't find it too tedious or time consuming and was able to complete it over a few games. I don't get how people grind out the events in one day as it literally is held for an entire month. Take your time and enjoy it more!

I swear this play journal is just Lookits I created as here is another set of them. Plus this first screenshot as I like the outfit this muse put together and it reminded me of Alice In Wonderland. Also I don't know if any readers have noticed that I tend to hang around in the first cocoon all the time. I just find it easy to get around quickly to find muses and I like the backgrounds. Only thought about it recently and realised most of my screenshots are taken there.

We shall finish off on this lovely snap of my muse hanging out with a recent Lookit customer of mine. Adore this Gothic outfit and I have to admit how great the long skirts look in Fashion Dreamer. In Style Boutique, the shape could be ruined of longer skirts and I avoided them for photos sometimes. But in Fashion Dreamer, they drape well and don't look weird in photos. So I've been using them more in Lookits and personal outfits. I will be back soon with more Fashion Dreamer content!


  1. Very good but about that...UPBEAT.

    1. The bright green must've reminded me of the brand
