It's not too late into 2023 to post my J-Pop Collection for last year! Finally got some time to write out this blog post and I was shocked at how long my list of J-Pop releases has gotten! Only 9 new additions to the collection in 2022 and all came from this Zenmarket order. Picked up a few new artists however so let's get to know them!
First up is one of my favourite groups of the recent year which is MAX. I just love their sound and influences of Eurobeat as I love that genre. I would've love to have gotten more from Japan of their stuff but I settled on their first album MAXIMUM and the most recent best of MAXIMUM PERFECT BEST in the 3CD edition. The best of was a steal and brand new for a great price. MAXIMUM was harder to track down as the CD is from the mid 90's and I wanted one in good condition. Amazing album and highly recommended for a listen!

I've combined these two together as they are quite similar with their quirky concepts. The single on the left is ニッポン笑顔百景 Nippon Egao Hyakkei from Momoiro Clover Z. I came across this songs MV on YouTube and thought it was super fun. Ended up getting the single as who doesn't love a single and it has quite a few tracks on it but the title track is my favourite. The other CD is the second album from Cho Tokimeki♡Sendenbu who were a random find on Spotify for me one day. Good old Bookoff purchase and it contains 2CDs inside. I absolutely adore the outfits these girls wear and they always have cute concepts.
More 48Group releases because why not? I've branched out to groups outside AKB48 in the recent year and picked up the first albums from both NMB48 and SKE48. Enjoyable albums and I was able to get them super cheap for 100JPY because there is a billion copies floating around. The NMB48 was brand new which was a great deal and I couldn't decide which edition to get for SKE48. I settled on the Regular Edition as it was the cheapest and had the two extra tracks that I liked. I love the original AKB48 Ponytail to Shushu so I wanted the SKE48 version.