In last weeks MODELdebut2 #nicola play journal, I talked about unlocking the hall where you can buy clothes and boy is there a lot of clothes! This is only one brand as well! I actually didn't even buy much as I was enjoying just looking at the ones available. The game is similar to Style Boutique in which there are tabs for each type of clothing. You have your usual tops, bottoms, shoes and then you get subsections in each part. This blog post probably won't have much text and will be very image heavy as I have a fair amount of screenshots to share. The brand I'll be sharing today is called GIRL's BOX and the game called it fashion shop according to my google translate. This brand feels very girly like Marzipan Sky and the items have a youthful and casual look to them.
First set of screenshots are the inners and tops which come in a range of styles and colours. Looks like a number of these inner items would work great paired with tops and I've even done that with my character at the end of this post. There is a good mix of pastel and bright toned items with some reminding me of AZ-USA or April Bonbon. I had a good laugh at some of the prints on the tops as they were legit just stock photos stuck onto the clothing. I've included one screenshot of a top that was a photo of ice-creams on a stand.

Onto the bottoms section now which is home to pants and skirt styled items. I didn't find as much variety in this area compared to the top parts however maybe I need to unlock more. There was a lot of prints and patterns with these items with check/plaid being quite popular. This section is also home to things such as overalls and pinafores which can look rather strange. Almost like a giant shape if you look at the screenshot of the black pinafore dress. So far I've only used plain coloured items from this area and mixed it up more with the top part of the outfit.
Now for the dress section which is one of my favourites. I always love using dresses in fashion games and MODEL debut2 #nicola has some gorgeous items. I'm totally in love with these preppy styled dresses with the polka dots. Ugh I need these in real life and in all the colours. A few items here reminded me of AZ-USA and Chorale in regards to colour and style. I'm very interested to see what the other brands in game are like and how the styles vary from each other.
I found the outer section wasn't too populated and there wasn't a huge selection. I haven't used any outers in my outfits yet as I just haven't seen any that jump out at me and scream style! The outer designs however are very fashionable and look just like clothing items I have seen girls wearing in Japan. Between this game and Style Boutique, I feel outers can be a difficult item to design and sometimes they look quite oversized.
Shoes are one of the best categories I've seen so far in the game and some are just too adorable! The designs are totally what I look for in regards to shoes and I've had trouble picking pairs to use as I just love them all. The mary jane styled ones are my favourite as I like that style in real life and they look quite elegant in the game. Plenty of cool boots to choose from and I've included some screenshots of the sock section as well. Most of these are very similar and I haven't used too many besides the basic toned ones. Very much reminds me of Basic U or April Bonbon.
Can we all just pause and appreciate how amazing the developers have programmed the characters to hold bags? Just look at these poses! Stunning! There is a fun selection of bags to choose from and there are some interesting designs. I found a lot with random English words slapped on them or just crazy patterns. I was blown away at the fact the game has backpacks! I remember talking about how Style Boutique needs backpacks on the blog once and here is MODEL debut delivering! Thank you for including these and having the characters looking cute whilst modelling them.
The accessories section was quite a surprise as it is full of a variety of unique items. You have your usual jewellery, hats and gloves and then some crazy things like flower bouquets. I like that you can use multiple accessory items and they all look nice when placed on your character. The hats look rather trendy and very Instagram. The game has some of the Style Boutique items like headphones and glasses too.
I don't know much about the final clothing section and it seems to be home to full outfits or special items. I saw a lot of school uniforms at this particular shop and in the game I've seen other outfits. These school uniform outfits reminded me so much of idol outfits. Like this first one looks like a Produce101 outfit! Tell me it looks just like that. The yellow jacket reminded me of school uniforms I've seen in places like Korea. I'm interested to learn more about this category and the cute outfit it is home to.
And that brings us to the end of this giant clothing item post. I took way too many screenshots and I felt like I only scratched the surface of items available in MODEL debut2 #nicola. Here is the final outfit I selected for my character and I think it looks quite cute. I went for a girly look as that is the usual style I wear in fashion games. Plus it matches my hair! I haven't figured out how to buy multiple items at the clothing brand shops. I cannot figure out which button lets you select more than one item from a category. That will require a bit more research and maybe I just have to buy only a few at a time. I definitely do not have the in-game funds to buy much at this current stage. I hope you enjoyed looking at the clothing items and it was interesting to see how they compare to the Style Boutique games.
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