Friday, 30 April 2021

April Favourites

Yet again another month has flown by super quick and means it's time for another monthly favourites! I actually did a stack of things this month most of which was decluttering belongings. One day I was just like 'I feel like I own too much stuff' and I started clearing out things. A large bag of clothes for younger relatives, a few bags for the op-shop of various items and sold a bunch of gaming stuff off to friends. The biggest clean out item was books and DVD's. Over the years, I've gained quite a collection of DVD's but I stepped back to take a look at them all and thought 'jeez I never watch like 60% of this stuff'. So I spent ages watching a whole bunch of DVD's to determine whether they spark joy or not and ended up getting rid of like 50 DVD's! The books were much easier as I decided to get a Kindle so I could read more on the go and store them digitally rather than physically. I had all the Janet Evanovich novels which took up heaps of space so I donated them all to various op-shops and just kept my favourite series of her's which is the Wicked Series. Seriously Janet? When are we going to get the next book in the series?!?! I've been waiting years! Also got rid of a lot of other random books that I was never going to use and will hold off buying anymore physical ones. Here's a photo of my lovely Kindle that I'm obsessed with! I got the Paperwhite and it's so lightweight and easy to use. The Kindle store has stacks of books about theme parks which I'm super excited to read. My current book is Action Park: Fast Times, Wild Rides, and the Untold Story of America's Most Dangerous Amusement Park and I've been enjoying it!

Also got a bunch of new stickers! I actually got quite a few this month and I'll probably post a small haul next month. Here's a quick photo of all the ones I got at Daiso last week! The first Daiso I went to didn't have many stickers at all or anything exciting really. But then I went to the one closer to my house and they had so many!!! Not sure why the original store isn't carrying much stock, but I'm going there again tomorrow so I'll check out to see if the selection has improved.


I've decided to stick with digital games from now on (Style Boutique will be the exception if it ever comes out on Switch) and cancelled my pre-order for Pokemon Snap. I didn't want to buy another physical game until I played through current ones. Just been playing some SELFY COLLECTION which I'm so close to completing the entire game. It's taking ages to grind money to buy all the items and it's kinda boring. I only really do it when I don't want to think about stuff and just press buttons. One game that did just get released that I never thought I'd see is Castaway Paradise on the Switch!! I played this game a lot on Steam ages ago and couldn't believe it when I saw it appear on the eShop. Had some eShop credit from a gift so I picked it up and it's still charming. It's pretty much the same game and it's not something you'd play for ages. I just play a bit here and there. Much easier to make money at the start as I know the tricks. I hope it does well on the Switch as the game is fun and it's nice to support indie developers.


Have to admit that I did clear out some CD"s this month. None of my Korean or Japanese pop music ones of course! My CD storage was over flowing and unfortunately I couldn't keep somethings. I brought a stack of CD's back in March at an op-shop but my collection was becoming a bit too much to store so back to the op-shop went a portion of them. Mainly things that I wasn't attached to and wasn't hardcore collecting. Plus I always burn the CD's into iTunes so I can still listen to the songs!! The cases were pretty destroyed as well which is common with op-shop CD's.

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Animal Crossing New Horizons Play Journal - Villagers, Friends & Shooting Stars

It's only been a few weeks but here is another Animal Crossing New Horizons play journal because I have a lot of screenshots to get through! My island is starting to take shape and is becoming a bit more organised at the time when these screenshots were taken back in May 2020. First off, here is Pudge being all cute teaching my character the reaction for sorrow. I just can't get over the character of Pudge. People make fun of him when they visit and say he looks sad, but he's just so adorable! His design and personality are perfect! He is my favourite bear cub and the best lazy villager cause his facial characteristics match the laziness perfectly!

One of the rare times a bunch of villagers can be seen hanging out in the same area! I caught a few of them having a chat and Apple was enjoying the iron garden benches. Glad someone put them to good use! I had these bright ideas of villagers all sitting side by side in this area, but we all know that would never happen with their programming.

The skies in New Horizons are quite beautiful and it's lovely how you can see the different shades of colour in the night sky. This area is just behind my house and this night, there was a moon visible so I thought I'd take a photo of it for the Nook Miles achievement. The second photo was the moment I gave Marshall something that would change his life. I thought he would look snazzy in a fedora and he thought so too! He wears it all the time and it was well worth it!

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Style Boutique 2 Play Journal - Fashion Show Outfits Part 2

As it seems like forever since I posted some Style Boutique content, so here are some flashback fashion show outfits. I have so many of these things saved on my computer as I had to trail heaps of outfits back in the day to find the perfect five star outfit for each contest category. This is the second in my Fashion Show series and I think there will be some more after this as I've got a few to get through. So starting off are some lovely pink themed outfits. Well I say pink themed because both of these looks are very pink! The first outfit was the Princess Peach outfit from the Yukata DLC and it makes me miss the old 3DS DLC. Such a shame we haven't got anything like that in Styling Star nor will we ever. The second outfit was one of my favourites as I love the combination of this top and skirt. They blend well together and I even forgot the skirt was from Marble Lily for a moment as it matched so well with this top.

The poses in the fashion shows were so over the top and I used to spam them like crazy. It was fun to try to get the effects to go in front of your character and try to take a photo of the moment. Looking back on this baby-doll outfit and it just doesn't match the stage at all. What was I thinking? The second outfit is much better and perfect for Halloween! Another DLC item and it matches perfectly with this slip-on sneakers. Styling Star was definitely lacking in the Halloween themed attire and it would've made a fun addition to the lively style.

Wednesday, 7 April 2021

SELFY COLLECTION Play Journal - Bonus Story & Cute Shibas!

Today I've got more exciting adventures from SELFY COLLECTION - The Dream Fashion Stylist to share! Last time, I finished up the main story line of the game and there I briefly mentioned that there is an epilogue story line as well! I was excited to see the story continue on and this story line has your character travelling to the magical Tales Land. This land is inspired by books and fairy tale concepts, so think Alice In Wonderland and woodland creatures. There are some fun character requests to complete in this land such as this state worker whose job is to write the National Record of what will happen each day in the country. What a bizarre job, it's like some strange fortune teller.

Thursday, 1 April 2021

March Favourites

 March has come and gone! Seriously it went super fast especially the last two weeks. One day it was the 14th then bam! 31st! I actually wrote 31/3/31 on a bunch of forms at work because writing the number three multiple times threw me off. I don't really remember much of what happen this month so it shall be a quick monthly favourites!


Still playing SELFY COLLECTION on the Nintendo Switch and I'm only really grinding requests for coins now. I will have another play journal up early April for the game about the bonus storylines and other random stuff. My goal is to 100% all the collections and I need lots of coins to do that. The game has been quite enjoyable though, I've put over 60 hours into now!

An actual nice outfit was made for once.

Other than SELFY COLLECTION, I haven't been playing many games. I am excited to see Castaway Paradise is listed on the eShop for release soon! I loved playing it on Steam but nowadays I don't play games on my computer much. So having it on the Switch would be perfect and makes it easier to play everyday. It's available for pre-order for about $23.99 at the moment so I might pick that one up soon.


Another packed music month as I've been listening to a lot of AKB48 singles and of course Brave Girls! If you follow k-pop, you'd definitely get what I'm talking about. I'm so glad that an older group with great songs has been recognised. Sometimes fans just think about what's popular or hyped up and just forget to enjoy the music. So it's nice that their songs have made a big comeback as they are super chill and fun to listen to. There's so many 2nd and 3rd Gen girl groups I wish would get more recognition. Like Rainbow, Dal Shabet, Hello Venus and Secret! I shall end with a selection of older girl group songs I love.

Rainbow Over The Rainbow Special Edition - Album Review - Limited Edition B (CD+DVD)

I'm back for part two of my Over The Rainbow Special Edition review! Last time I reviewed the Limited Edition C of this release and this time I'll be looking at the Limited Edition B which has my favourite cover out of all the editions. Just look at how pretty the girls look on this cover and it's so colourful which is perfect for a group called Rainbow!

Over The Rainbow Special Edition is the re-release of Rainbow's first and only Japanese album. It was released in December 2012 and comes in three editions: Limited Edition A CD+DVD, Limited Edition B CD+DVD and Limited Edition C 2CD. As I mentioned in my previous review, I have both editions B and C which I got from Yahoo Auctions in Japan. Limited Edition B of Over The Rainbow Special Edition has the following contents:
  • CD - 10 track album
  • DVD - Contains various live performances
  • Lyrics booklet
  • DVD case
  • Promotional flyer

The Limited Edition B release of Over The Rainbow Special Edition comes in a DVD style case. I'm kind of on the fence about these types of cases. They are super easy to store but incredibly boring. This one is even that standard black DVD case and it would've been nice in a clear one at least. The front cover has the girls hanging out in a street style backdrop with various props. Each member is dressed in pants in their corresponding rainbow colour. 

Here is one of the few times I can take a photo with the spine showing! I don't do this often as it's tricky to take nice detail photos but at least this is one positive about the DVD case. Inside the case, the lyrics booklet is stuck into some tabs to hold it in place and the two discs can be found on the right hand side. Both the CD and DVD have the same design of teal/blue lines across the discs. Not as nice as the edition C discs which are two different colour shades. There is no OBI strip for this release or for any of the editions.