Saturday 25 August 2018

Least Favourite Brand Challenge: Soy

When chatting with other Style Boutique/Style Savvy players, the topic of least used/favourite brand or style often arises. I can easily point out my least used styles/images in the game easily and they would be boho-chic and bold. These are the two styles I tend to wear the least and ones I tend not to use as my go-to's for outfits. The only time I really use them is for guides or selling items to customers at the boutique. Well that's all about to change! It's time for challenge where I create a series of outfits from my least used styles. Today I'll be focusing on the brand Soy which is home to the Boho-Chic style.

Soy features clothing items in earthy tones and bohemian inspired looks. The brand has a variety of items ranging from maxi skirts, winter jackets, clutches, scarfs and straw hats. New items such as bracelets have been added to the brand in Styling Star and the stackable style ones are perfect for outfits. I love the natural tones of the items from Soy and the tie-dye prints are stunning. Soy has some abstract style prints to its items and I can best describe Soy's items as festival wear. The items always remind me of the bohemian look you see promoted around music festival time.

I've put together a bunch of items using items from the Soy brand. I tried to create a range of outfits mix and matching items such as dresses, pants or skirts. Incorporated some accessories such as scarfs and bags as well. Comment down below which outfit you think best represents the boho-chic style or which one is your favourite!


  1. I love the 5th outfit, the brown and green work so nicely! Also, I'm a sucker for cardigans. :)

    1. It is a lovely outfit isn't it? Those types of cardigans are so good for winter! I love cardigans too! I always have one with me in summer because some shops love to crank up their aircon so it'll be like 10 degrees inside but 40 outside. Too much of a difference guys!
