Saturday 27 January 2018

Inspiration Time - Clothes Edition

Today I went to a meet-up with the local Lolita group and it was absolutely wonderful! Everyone was so nice and even though it was extremely hot due to the heatwave, we had a fun time. Afterwards, I felt inspired by all the girl's lovely dresses and chatting with them about sewing. Thought I would make a post about some clothes items that inspire me and I absolutely love. These pictures are ones that I've discovered over the years on sites such as Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr. I don't know how to describe my style. I tend to go with whatever is in my size, affordable and fits well. I only look at sale racks when I shop for clothes (that aren't say active wear or essentials like pyjamas). Nowadays I don't buy clothes much as most shops here are fast-fashion stores that just sell junk and I'm not game enough to buy clothes online due to not being able to try them on. But I'm always looking for inspiration on the net for items I would like to sew for myself or keep an eye out for.

First off, here are a few dresses that I adore and would love to have in my wardrobe. I'm a huge fan of anything with a Peter Pan collar and quite a number of these dresses feature that style of collar. I think comfortable dresses that you can easily slip on and are suitable for hot weather are my type of outfit. It always nice to feel comfortable and not feel constricted when wearing clothes. Anything that is kinda breezy is perfect and short dresses are the way to go. I'm not a fan of long dresses or maxi ones, I prefer ones that finish at a shorter length. Winter is perfect for woollen dresses paired with tights and boots. I like wearing warmer dresses in winter as then you don't need to wear multiple layers when it's freezing cold.

Gorgeous fabric on this dress.

I love the blue tones.

I could never figure out why I love this dress, it just always catches my eye.
Wish I had this in my wardrobe for winter.

The main part I like about this is the kitty pockets!

Perfect for any formal event!

Another cute dress for winter

The polka dot sleeves are a nice touch.

Next onto tops and inners! Once again, a lot of Peter Pan collars are featured. Actually they are all Peter Pan collars! These pictures below best represent my style in real life. I tend to wear a lot of Peter Pan collar tops in summer and would love to pick up a few for winter if they were warm enough. Shame they aren't trendy anymore as you don't see them around in the shops apart from at Dangerfield and Princess Highway in Myer. But that brand is quite expensive so I rarely pick up items there.

Love the rain drop print!

Can't go wrong with pink.

I feel like this top would be perfect for a cooler summers day.

Not sure about the length of the sleeves, but I really like this style of top!

Now I love my oversized jumpers and sweatshirts and the pictures below prove that. I pretty much live in my old school jumper during winter. Everyone is always telling me to wear something else, but it's just so comfy!! I think it's super fun to wear jumpers with silly patterns or pictures of them during winter to bring some excitement to the cold weather. I mean, just look at some of these cat prints! They're so cute!

I own a jacket similar to this in real life, the fabric is just stunning.

That hoodie looks so comfy!

Amusing cat print sweatshirt.

Love this preppy style!

So adorable!

I need this for winter! It's just perfect!

Since it was a Lolita meet that originally inspired me, here are some Lolita outfits that are my favourites. I haven't had the chance to get my hands on any brand dresses yet, but hopefully maybe this year that might become a reality! I do enjoy sewing my own dresses though as I like the challenge and design process.

Can't go wrong with Alice in Wonderland!

This print is just stunning!

I think galaxy/space inspired Lolita outfits have to be my favourite style.

This is one of the most gorgeous dresses I've ever seen. Everything about it is perfect.

A variation of the dress shown above. Both stunning.

I'm always up for nautical inspired outfits. This is the style of outfit I'd love to make one day.

Lastly, a few accessories that I adore. I tend to wear the same silver or gold bracelet each day and it's always a shock when I realise after leaving the house that I forgot to put a bracelet on. My arm just feels naked haha. I always wear my fitbit so that is practically attached to my left arm. Sometimes I make my own jewellery and I'd like to get into this year making some new pieces to wear. I absoutely love resin style pieces, but I think I'll leave those to another posts as I follow a lot of artists who post that kind of stuff and blog about that another time. Anyway here a few accessories I love the look of.

This coin purse is just the cutest!

This style is right up my alley. I have a similar bracelet to this with cakes on it.

I've had this picture saved for years as I just adore items with the Union Jack on them. I need this purse!

Well I hope you enjoyed reading about gorgeous clothing items. This was kind of a random post but I just felt inspired to talk about some of my favourite clothing items I've come across over the years. There are probably hundreds more items I've seen and loved, but these were just the ones I had pictures of easily available. I'm thinking of making some more posts in the future talking about things that inspire me or are my favourites such as artists, instagrams and so on.


  1. This was a really interesting post, and it was nice to learn more about your interests and what inspires you. :) Sounds like you're DIY Extraordinaire! And who doesn't like looking at pretty lolita dresses? You're so lucky that you have an active local lolita meetup group, there isn't anything like that here! Well, except for the lolita fashion panel at a yearly anime convention run by my local university, but that was years ago and I don't think they run that panel anymore. The girl who used to run it was pretty well-connected to FanPlusFriend and would host group orders at a ridiculous discount, and I got my only outfit from that.

    I'd love to have actual branded EGL items too, but they would pretty much collect dust in my closet, so that's on my "things to do if I get famous" list. What dresses were you thinking of getting?

    1. Thank you reading the post! It was rather random but I just felt like writing it :) Yes I do love DIY. My friend and I always joke about why buy something for like $10 when we could spend hours of frustration trying to make it ourselves.

      It is great to have a active Lolita group! I meet them at a convention last year and everyone is so lovely and friendly in the group. We don't have many conventions in the city I live in, but the main one has a small Lolita focus which is nice.

      I just dress rather casually usually so I've never gotten into buying dresses for Lolita. It is something I'd be interested in at the right price as it can be an expensive hobby. Not sure what kind of dress I would get. With clothes shopping, I find it's best to just look around and see what looks good. But I'd definitely get something that matched my skin tone, so nothing red as I just can't wear that colour.
