Sunday 22 April 2018

Style Boutique 3 Play Journal: Makeover Time!

Came across something quite interesting whilst playing Style Boutique 3: Styling Star this week. Whilst visiting the park to check on something, a conversation between Angelique and Michel appeared. Michel had recently painted a new art piece and was showing it to Angelique. This was what the art piece was of: just a black cross. There was some dialogue as well along the lines of something about Angelique understanding what the piece was meant to represent which made Michel pleased.

Recently changed the interior layout of my boutique to a more psychedelic style. I'm finding since I changed the decor, I've noticed a drop in girly customers and more people are asking for psychedelic and gothic outfits. Which is a nice change and I've actually come across some new NPC's I haven't seen. Here's the new layout of my boutique which I previously showed on here.

It's nice to get a change in customers because I finally sell some psychedelic pieces that I never get the chance to sell. I've got quite a lot of Retrobeat in stock from when I was collecting all the items. Just noticed in the bottom picture that the girl is wearing a tube top over a shoulder-tee. Looks quite silly! Also we are wearing the same outer! Hers is a slighter darker pink though.

The repeating story line girls keep appearing in my boutique much to my frustration. Here's Hafsa in a boring basic outfit I gave her. I really wish they would go away for a while so I can sell outfits without having to go through their story lines for the billionth time.

This NPC sent me a message asking for me to come help them at the Beautician. I took one look at her current make-up and sent her a message to come meet me there straight away. Her make-up was awful! Not a fan of that over the top blush and it does not match her Baby-Doll image.

At the Beautician, I decided to give her a gothic inspired make-up style. I used darker toned colours such as black with some white eyeliner for impact. Here's some before and after pictures. Julie was quite pleased with her new look and called it rather elegant.

The next day, I sent her another message asking her to come over to the boutique. I wanted to give her a new outfit to match her gothic make-up. I debated over which outfit to give her for a while because I didn't have the perfect pieces to make a good outfit. I ended up going with this Red Riding Hood inspired gothic look as I wanted to get rid of some expensive pieces from Purple Moon. Julie looks so much better now with her new gothic look! This situation reminds me of the hideous styles you sometimes come across in the game. There's some pretty bad ones, especially from that girl Harue. She is always looking a mess!

That's all for this play journal! I will be posting a new outfit challenge this week so keep an eye out for that. I was inspired to do one that I've seen a few bloggers taking part in.


  1. Hi Marzipanini it's ID 0003531208 here I know some if the blush is so ugly it looks like paint's been spilled on their faces I never use blush unless it's mild and you can faintly see it ( I think Julie looks awful all the time I've worked and worked on her and she doesn't get better). I haven't encountered that Michel and Angelique storyline I am yet to finish the story for the 4th time I use new game plus I despise hafsa and those other girls honestly I want to shout at them or shove them on a train to a town called boring (if only this was an option) they're so annoying. Thanks so much. X

    1. The blush isn't blended very well in Styling Star, it looked better in previous games. I usually use lighter pink/peach tones on the side of the face and it looks fine.

      Yeah Hafsa and the other girls keep appearing, but I've started clearing them out again so hopefully that will keep them away for a while.

    2. Hi Marzipanini I turf them out and then I leave my shop and they're back again they are like a glitch I want to send them to the menswear shop (LOL). The light blusher is good like a bronzer or cream blush but the yellow one (Uggh). This blog is like a official style boutique website your amazing and seem so nice thanks so much for this community I think if I lived in Australia we'd be friends. Thanks so much. X

    3. Yeah I only ever use the first few shades of blush and occasionally the white one for gothic styles.

      There are lots of interesting Style Boutique/Style Savvy blogs on the net if you are interested in finding more to read. There's plenty on tumblr which has a quite active community as well as instagram.

    4. Hi Marzipanini I don't really like social media (instagram, Facebook, tumblr, twitter, Snapchat,) you're blog's are just enough for me they're the best. I only use blush if I'm doing things like cosplay (animal crossing or styling star characters) in the game they come in handy then but if you're just wearing a normal creative outfit it messes it up. Thanks. X

    5. I don't use many of those social medias too, I can't even work out snapchat.

      Blush looks good if you choose shades that aren't over the top.

    6. Hi Marzipanini I try to steer away from any social media I browse them to look at family that I don't see very often but I'm not a member of any of them. The blush looks good if you use cream coloured shades. Thanks so much. X

  2. When I first looked at this post I got creeped out slightly by that big black X because I thought some horror thing had happened in the game that I didn't know about!
    I do wonder what Angelique would have said about that other painting with the two red splotches, lol.

    I liked the makeup in Fashion Forward better for this reason. Blushers had a nice gradient fade effect that blended onto the skin, so even if you used really bold colours it usually didn't look like it was caked on. Not to mention the eyeliner and eyeshadow colours popped more and all looked distinct, in this game sometimes it's hard to differentiate one shade of pink from another.

    Looking forward to your new outfit challenge!

    1. It freaked me out as well when I was playing the game. I thought the screen had glitched or something. Angelique seems to have an appreciation for art.

      The makeup definitely is better in Fashion Forward! I was playing it yesterday and noticed how much better eye shadows and blush looked on the faces. I have the exact same character design in Styling Star, yet my eye shadow never looks right. I think the colour palette was better in Fashion Forward, I just can't get the same looks in Styling Star with hair colour and makeup. The pink eye shadows are terrible, I try to use them and I just can't get them to not look bland.

      My new challenge will be starting tomorrow!!

  3. Hi Marzipanini it's ID 0003531208 here my fave NPC is Harue I think she's adorable with her purple pigtails she came to the hair salon once and I made her pigtails Alina blonde and gave her her natural colour highlights she looked adorable do you like Harue ? Thanks so much. X

    1. Glad to hear your a fan of her! I should really invite Harue to the different stores to give her a makeover.

    2. Hi Marzipanini she's so cool my fave idol is Yolanda I think she'd be anyone's friend in real life and I think she'd do charity work (sequel plans) (LOL) and she's so beautiful going to impersonate her soon on shopdo. Harue was in fashion forward and I loved her then (I swear she's related to Alina) and I saw her in the styling star demo and I was so happy who's your fave customer/idol? And do you like Harue ?. Thanks so much. X

    3. I don't really have a favourite because I don't get too involved with the characters and their stories. I quite like Camilla because of her personality, but none of the customers I've really obsessed about.

    4. Hi Marzipanini I like Camilla too she's cute especially her baby doll outfit and what I call Rapunzel hair I love the marble lily teddy bear socks (that come up to the ankles) they're so cute camilla wears them occasionally they match with lively outfits too. Thanks so much. X

    5. Hi Marzipanini I meant the ribbon pattern socks they're stunningly beautiful I just love them they're so simple yet so cute and they match with lively outfits I have the red ones and I think my other one's are cream coloured. I have finished the main story for the 4th time I think it will be my last time I'm just going to concentrate on serving customers those repeating girls won't go away and I think I'm just going to collect clothing items and do cosplay on Shopdo. Do you like the ribbon socks (they're by marble lily.). Thanks so much. X

    6. I like most of the shorter socks, so yes I do like the ribbon socks.

      The repeating girls will keep appearing even if you finish the story line. I've progressed years in the game and still have them appear.

    7. Hi Marzipanini if the game was real time they would be old women now. I never appreciated ankle/short socks in the games before because I had a weird rule about wearing boots all the time but now in styling star there are so many gorgeous new small shoes like the new marble lily one's I have the perfect excuse to wear the beautiful ribbon pattern socks which are my fave ankle/small socks they match with any style outfit. My fave item(s) in the game are the ACNL Isabelle top and the Kirby bag it has to be a draw because I love them equally. What's your fave item ?. Thanks so much. X

    8. I have quite a few favourite items in the game such as some bags from Raven Candle and dresses from Marble Lily. I've made some posts previously about them, but I will make a post about my fave items in Styling Star soon.

    9. Hi Marzipanini I love those items because I love those 2 characters and those items match really well. I love all the marble lily/raven candle items they're lovely. Thanks so much. X
