The end of September is almost here so I thought I'd post a list of some of my favourite things from this month!
Recently I got Disney Magical World and I've been playing it during my free time. I've got the second one which I've almost finished and the first one is quite different from the second. It's a lot more challenging trying to get items to craft items so it's taking a while to get anywhere in the game. I'm up to about 35 stickers so far which isn't too bad.
Got a few new albums this month which were mainly j-pop ones. Other than that, I've been getting back into music I used to listen to before I got in kpop and jpop. Been on an 80's kick recently so I've been listening to Icehouse, Pet Shop Boys and Eurythmics. The radio plays at the place I work and it's always exciting when they play what they call 'old school music'. Now I wouldn't call 2011 old school, but when they start playing hits from 2006, it takes me back to listening to the same songs back in senior school.
I don't get to the movies too often considering I work next to one, but I managed to make it there this month. It was the 20th anniversary of Spiceworld this year and cinemas around the country where airing it to celebrate. I went to the screening the other night and it was amazing! I hadn't seen a movie in this particular cinema room (I usually go to ones in the smaller cinemas) but it was awesome to see it on the biggest screen the cinema has. It was really fun and I enjoyed feeling like I was back in the 1990's as a kid singing along to the hits of the Spice Girls.
Haven't had the chance to read too many books this month, but at the start of September I did read Scooter Girl. Originally I had seen it in a local comic shop when I was in there with friends. However I came across it at my library so I thought I'd hire it to read and I really enjoyed it! The story was interesting and I loved the mod feel to the story and characters.
Finally reached 1 million in funds in Style Boutique 2! I'm happy they removed the money limit that the previous game had which was $99,999. I could never really do much once I hit that, I used to sell all my stock and buy all new stock just to clear out money. But thankfully this installment in the series doesn't have a money limit (so far). The trick to getting large amounts of money quickly is to fill the Caprice Chalet up with rooms that charge $1000 rent. Then play every day to keep the rooms rented and you can easy get $10,000 super quick.

Been serving a lot of customers at the boutique recently. I had the outfit below on display on the mannequin. With Purple Moon items, customers never buy them because they are way above their price range and not a brand/style people ask for often. So I always put them on the mannequin to sell them quickly. This train conductor outfit is available during the autumn season and fits with Halloween nicely. I thought it matched the customer who brought it nicely as her hair was the same colour tone!
Below is a dress I designed for the Designer Lounge. I have no clue how I ended up with a red/navy blue colour scheme when I made it. Customers always come in asking for it and finally someone brought it in a nice complete outfit. I actually had it on a mannequin with matching shoes and the necklace is from Purple Moon.
Another fashion show happened! I haven't been doing mainly lately (more because I forgot about them). Tried out a cute themed outfit this time, didn't win five stars but four was good. I thought the hair was cute but honestly the top part of the outfit doesn't match the pants. What was I thinking?
I'm one of those players who always forgets to clear out the main NPC visit requests. So the poor characters are stuck at train locations for ages till I visit. I made this outfit for Xiaoling a while ago and I just thought it was super cute.