Monday 11 September 2017

Style Boutique 2 Play Journal - Millionaires Club!

Finally reached 1 million in funds in Style Boutique 2! I'm happy they removed the money limit that the previous game had which was $99,999. I could never really do much once I hit that, I used to sell all my stock and buy all new stock just to clear out money. But thankfully this installment in the series doesn't have a money limit (so far). The trick to getting large amounts of money quickly is to fill the Caprice Chalet up with rooms that charge $1000 rent. Then play every day to keep the rooms rented and you can easy get $10,000 super quick.

Been serving a lot of customers at the boutique recently. I had the outfit below on display on the mannequin. With Purple Moon items, customers never buy them because they are way above their price range and not a brand/style people ask for often. So I always put them on the mannequin to sell them quickly. This train conductor outfit is available during the autumn season and fits with Halloween nicely. I thought it matched the customer who brought it nicely as her hair was the same colour tone!

Below is a dress I designed for the Designer Lounge. I have no clue how I ended up with a red/navy blue colour scheme when I made it. Customers always come in asking for it and finally someone brought it in a nice complete outfit. I actually had it on a mannequin with matching shoes and the necklace is from Purple Moon.

Another fashion show happened! I haven't been doing mainly lately (more because I forgot about them). Tried out a cute themed outfit this time, didn't win five stars but four was good. I thought the hair was cute but honestly the top part of the outfit doesn't match the pants. What was I thinking?

I'm one of those players who always forgets to clear out the main NPC visit requests. So the poor characters are stuck at train locations for ages till I visit. I made this outfit for Xiaoling a while ago and I just thought it was super cute.

This is the latest outfit I've got on my boutique mannequin. I brought this polka dot tights at April Bonbon recently and luckily I already had the dress in stock that matches them perfectly. No one has brought it yet sadly.

Another round of terrible outfits is here. My customers are great at picking awful combinations of items. The top two are because of items from the Designer Lounge. The main problem is that they don't really match the colour of the girls outfits. But the bottom three I can't explain. The first one came in asking for a boho top even though she has a feminine outfit thing going on. And then she put it on top of her current outfit, ugh just terrible. And she has that ugly bag I designed at the Designer Lounge too. I hate the bag, I should delete all of them from my game as I'm not proud of them at all. The girl with the pink top just chucked a sporty themed top on top of her feminine camisole. I don't know what's going on there haha. She's still wearing it, she came in recently but I don't recall what item she brought and whether it made her outfit worst. The last girl at the bottom surprised me. She asked for a girly casual dress and I assumed she would remove her other items. Nope, she just put the dress on top of her red coloured lively themed outfit. It would've looked so good and complimented her hair if she just took of the t-shirt (the shoes I can pass because you don't really see them much).

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