Time to power through these play journals for MODEL Debut3 #nicola because I am way behind on the blog compared to where I'm at in game. Pretty much going to post as many as possible until I catch up so I don't fall behind. This play journal has is starting at rank F however in real life I'm actually almost at rank C. So I'm going to focus on posting the journals for a little bit to reach that point. Anyway let's get going with this refreshing modelling job that I took part in. The outfit was super cute for this one and I love the hair colour! The background was nice at first however the photo was made a 100% better once I found this one that matches the fruit vibe more.

Later I visited a beauty store with Shunsuke and he made a great comment about lack of sleep. Dude I run off lack of sleep and I wish I could improve it. I brought a sleep mat early this year and whilst it is amazing, I hate seeing how bad my sleep patterns are. And now it will only get worst with all the super early starts I'll be doing for work along with long days. He means well I guess and my character cannot get dark circles haha. Perfect time for another Nicola App post!
Looking back on this outfit for this modelling job, I'm not sure about that hairstyle. It just looks too old for that outfit or theme. I quite like the style but I feels like it doesn't suit it. The background that was default was definitely a choice and I changed it right away.
Next up was a resort styled photoshoot with Narumi and I love how MODEL Debut3 has swimwear included. I know Style Boutique has some bikini style inners but they didn't look that good honestly. I only really used them for certain themes when I did challenges. However the swim wear items in this game look amazing and are quite fashionable. Loved how amazing our photo turned out and the swimsuits look great together. Don't we look so cool with our sunglassses and cool poses?
Awesome moment when I finally reached a new rank in the game! Finally got enough followers to reach Rank E! Yay! It takes a while but it is worth it because I unlocked two new clothing brands! I was wondering when I would get some new ones. So if you were wondering when they become available, it is when you reach Rank E for two new ones.
The first new brand is あけのや and it focuses on Japanese style clothing. The main items that is sells are uniforms and traditional Japanese clothing. So there isn't too many clothing types available here and the price can be higher than other brands. I found the items all beautiful and the uniforms would be useful for certain jobs like commercials.
The other new brand is La & Hoku which has a beach vibe to it. It reminds me of going on holiday and shirts with vibrant floral patterns on them. The focus of this brand is resort and swimwear items. Everything here is perfect for summer and rather colourful.
Next up was a TV job in a drama and look at how cute we look in our school uniforms. See what I said about uniforms being useful for jobs in the game. This was the ideal outfit for this job and is very on theme. I'm obsessed with this hairstyle and haven't changed it since in ages. It just looks so good and looks great on my character.
Now to fly through a selection of jobs I did and they were all quite varied. I try to take photos at different angles for jobs and never stick to the same look. If the job calls for something like shoes, I'll focus on it or if I hate the shoes or bottom half of an outfit, I'll zoom in the photo. Choosing the pose is sometimes the most difficult part for me as there are so many great ones to choose from!
Now here is an example of an outfit that I hated it. This was a commerical job and the selection I had of skirts to match the theme were terrible. Like only this pink one came up as a choice and whilst I do like this skirt, it doesn't match the lively/cool feel of the rest of the outfit. Personally it is just me that has a problem as I passed with flying colours but it just bugs me. Reminds me of an item in Style Boutique from April Bonbon though which funnily enough was a lively brand.
The next job turned out way better and I had fun making this look. The job outlined requested a military look using khaki pants and illustration items. Those types of pants are always so easy to find in fashion games and I went for a brown toned look.
That afternoon, I went to a soccer match with Fujito and worked on ranking up my friendship with him. He even gave me a new background to use in photo editing and that is cool way to unlock new items. We talked a bit about my dreams as a model which seems to be the standard conversation with most NPC's.
Loved the looks of these two jobs as I feel it is a style that I quite like. The first reminded me of Idol outfits such as AKB48 and I even changed my character into this outfit later on because I loved it so much. It is great how you can choose two tones for the hair and create gorgeous looks like this. The second outfit turned out better than I thought it would based off the theme. At first I wasn't too sure however once I found items that worked well together, it turned out great.
Seems like Narumi has idol aspirations and of course we cannot have a fashion game without an idol story line. Reminded me of Styling Star that had that idol story line and you could design their outfits. I wouldn't of taken Narumi as wanting to be an idol at first as she gives off a cool vibe. But I could see her in a group like E-girls or Girls2 with their current image.
Another two-shot photo and this one turned out boring as I used the same outfit. I would've avoided it but no other items matched the requirements. At least we look elegant and classy. It is fun to pose two characters and see if you can get them to interact. I feel like trying to get them back to back is a challenge without blocking off the outfit.
Last job of this play journal is a TV job at a music show. I was confused at first because my character isn't an idol or a musician in any manner. Turns out you just chat a bit and then Reigo showed up of course. He is the dreamy male idol character and this the perfect place for him. The plot about Kanon becoming a singer is mentioned here and is her main story line throughout the game. My outfit didn't turned out bad for this one and I went for a rock look since it is a music show.
And that's another play journal done for MODEL Debut3 #nicola and I'll be back soon with another one. I've got a few more to post before I catch up to my current position in game. They are super fun to post and look back on how far I've come in the game. So I'll see you all soon with more content!
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