Wednesday 16 August 2017

Style Boutique 2 Play Journal - Five Stars Finally!

Finally did it! I finally got five stars in the fun category in the fashion shows in Style Boutique 2! I've been trying for ages to get a five star outfit in this category and I lost track of how many failed attempts I had. Here's the five star winning outfit!

It took a lot of experimentation and failed attempts to get to this. At first I was using the lively theme clothing items and that always seemed to just get three or four stars. Sometimes even two! But then I switched to the sporty theme clothing items and I started to get better scores. After a few attempts, I found the combination of a jacket, pants, some logo/patterned inner and sneakers worked well.

So let's take a look at all the failed attempts I had. Well the ones I kept the pictures of, a lot I deleted.

This whole experience has made me discover lots of important aspects an outfit must have when creating a five star outfit. Trying to get them all together and put them into blog posts sometime in the future. I made a more detailed post about this outfit at my Style Boutique blog.

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