Friday 26 May 2017

Style Boutique 2 Play Journal - Fashion Shows Drive Me Mad

I've been running a blog that posts guides for Style Boutique 2 and Style Savvy 3 for nearly a year now. It's never been a place to post my own personal opinions and activities in the game as I keep it limited to guides and tips for the game. So I thought I'd post a sort of play journal on this blog of the game.

One of main things that I drives me mental about playing Style Boutique 2 is the fashion shows. It seems impossible to figure out how to get five star outfits! I've managed to get a few since I started playing in November 2015 but only recorded some for my blog. For the last month of two, I've been trying to get a five star outfit for the Fun and Unique category. And it's taking forever! I've tried so many times with different outfits but four stars is the closest I've achieved.

With fashion shows, the trick seems to be including patterns in the outfit and accessories don't make a huge difference. One of the hardest parts seems to be matching the make-up and hairstyle as well. I'm still trying to work out which sets fall under what themes, not as easy task. The other annoying thing is that you only get one chance per show and then you have to sell tickets all over again and try again. 

Here's some pictures of my failed outfits. Some got three and there was a few gems that got four stars for the Fun and Unique category shows.

Whilst fashion shows are fun, there's a few changes I wish they had made to how they run:
  • Let me pick my own hairstyle from all the ones available and not just the ones in the portfolio.
  • Give better hints on the type of outfit you want - an outfit for a picnic isn't much of a description.
  • Maybe a hint system would be great when you are selecting an outfit that tells you if it matches the theme.
  • Have less tickets to sell. You can sell them all if you play constantly but you need to switch between the Boutique, hairdresser and beautician. 

If only I could unlock the secret to five star outfits. One can dream.

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