Monday 25 June 2018

Outfit Of The Day - Elegant Yukata

Finally caught up on the backlog of outfit pictures I had saved from Styling Star. These pictures are from a recent look my character was wearing for my Shopdo. I haven't posted many or any yukata looks on here so I thought it was time for change. 

The inspiration for this outfit was the eastern interior of my boutique. It would've been nice to have some yukata exclusive poses for taking photos in as I enjoy yukata exclusive stuff in Fashion Forward with posing mannequins. Used my favourite rice balls earrings from Kanokoi and the beautiful cherry blossom hair clips from Purple Moon. It's a shame that no new yukata designs were added in Styling Star as there as so many possibilities of patterns and colours. The make-up that my character is wearing is one of the pre-made Make-Up sets available in the game.

I even took some pictures with my assistant who was also dressed in a elegant Eastern inspired outfit to match the boutique interior. Sylvia has on a navy and red coloured ensemble featuring items from Kanokoi. It seems I always create outfits based off colours in Style Boutique. I've always done it in previous games, but I just noticed how most outfits I post on here are centre around a certain colour. 


  1. I actually hated the yukata-specific poses in the previous games, just because you were limited to just those if you were wearing one, and there weren't that many. I'm glad Styling Star treats them like any other clothing item. And that the yukata-specific poses are still there, they're just regular poses now.

    These are both lovely outfits! Sylvia's in particular is really nice. I actually wouldn't have expected to like that one so much. Oh, and your make-up is really nice too!

    Yeah, I tend to use particular colors as the basis of my outfits too.

    1. Now that I think about it, they did just combine them didn't they. There's just so many I lose track.

      Sylvia has on an outfit I often give customers who like the eastern style. The make-up is one of the pre-made sets in the game. I was surprised how nice it looked!

    2. Ah, is it one of the pre-made sets? I never use them, so I didn't recognize it. I actually tend to forget they even exist, haha.

    3. Yes it's one of the first ones I think, more of a lively style look. I actually use the pre-made sets a fair bit. But I alter the eyebrows as I hate most of the styles in the game.
