Saturday, 8 February 2025

Kep1er 2nd Mini Album Review DOUBLAST - Album Review (B1ue Blast Jewel Case Version)

The inspiration for today's blog post is that I haven't posted a music review in ages so that is what we are going for. I randomly picked an album in my blog backlog and it is the 2nd Mini Album from K-Pop group Kep1er!

DOUBLAST is the 2nd Mini Album from Korean girl group Kep1er and it was released on June 20th 2022. The mini was released in four versions: Lemon Blast and B1ue Blast with both having a photobook and jewel case format. I ordered the jewel case format from YesAsia who sent a random version and I ended up the B1ue Blast one. I did like the concept of the Lemon Blast version more however this one is still fun and fresh. The jewel case format of DOUBLAST comes with the following:
  • CD - 5 track mini album
  • Jewel case
  • 16 page photobook
  • Photocard (Random 2 out of 18 types)
  • Postcard (Random 1 out of 9 types)

Saturday, 1 February 2025

January Favourites

First post of 2025 is a monthly favourites as this is the first time I've been back on blogger since the start of the new year. Unfortunately January hasn't been the best month for me as I had to suddenly go to the hospital one day as I was quite unwell. So I haven't been too active this month and wasn't on my computer really at all. Today I am feeling slightly better and thought it would be nice to put up a new post. Let's get into it!


I thought being unwell would give me time to play my Nintendo Switch whilst lying around but I couldn't because of vertigo/dizziness. So the only thing I played was Island Farmer which is a puzzle game where you re-arrange blocks to form farms and landscapres. I have completed the game previously and just restarted all the levels as something simple to play to past the time. Definetly check this game out if you are a fan of puzzle games as well as the developers other title Island Cities.

Downloaded Animal Crossing Pocket Camp after the longest time and I have been enjoying the new version. The main reason I stopped playing was the constant stress from events and grinding to complete them. However the new Complete version of the game as made it less time consuming and you do not have to constantly be checking it every three hours. Luckily I saved my data to my Nintendo account so I still have my previous save which was great as I had high levels and cool items.

Not something I played this month but a game I was thinking about recently which is Fashion Dreamer. I was reading some information about the future of the game online and I saw rumours that they are planning to discontinue the online servers. Now I totally understand why the devs are doing that however it would be a shame if that part of the game wasn't accessible anymore. I am going to wait to see what happens in the next update announcement of the game and honestly I don't see much future for Fashion Dreamer as we never got the fashion shows feature or the fairs are just repeats of previous ones.


Received a lovely order from Sportsgirl recently as I took advantage of their great selection of items in the sale section whilst I was unwell. Nothing like a little retail therapy to make you feel better. I needed some small sized bags/wallets for different things and a few things from their beauty range. Sportsgirl has a great range of make-up and you often see the display surrounded by tweens in the stores. Which is awesome because I feel Sportsgirl is more age appropriate for them than somewhere like Mecca or Sephora (which are both stupidly expensive here in Australia). I used to wear quite a lot of Sportsgirl beauty when I was a teenager mainly because it would be gifted to me. One of the items I brought is this bright eye shadow palette as I've been wanting to buy a new palette for ages but couldn't never find anything besides the typical browns and neutrals. So this colourful palette was right up my alley and I love the retro Sportsgirl design. I did have a palette from the brand a while ago however it gave me a reaction on my eyes. So I'm hoping this one will be better as the shades are different and I only paid $5 so I won't feel bad if it doesn't work out.